The eCollegePro Family Suite, offered exclusively through a Certified College Advisor, is today's most economically managed college planning alternative that is packed with essential guidance and procedures; all delivered in a direct, no-nonsense, easy-to-follow format. Timelines, Procedures, Reminders, & Links With the eCollegePro Family Suite, students and families have access to a web-based monthly four-year high school timeline, which is loaded with important procedures, reminders, and resource web links, including:
Building the Student's Resume'
AP Classes
School & Community Activities
Summer Employment
Career Options
Talking with Those in the Field
Unlimited Online Access to Nation's Top Career Planning Platform
Job Shadowing
Testing Dates & Registration Details
Comprehensive Online PSAT, SAT, & ACT Test Prep Courses
Helping the student stay on track, make the best use of their time, and ultimately get the best college education for the money are all much easier with the structured resources in the eCollegePro Family Suite.
Personalized Consultation With eCollegePro, families also have the option of consulting directly with the CFS Family Service Center on an hourly basis regarding advanced procedural topics, including:
Volunteer Work
AP Classes
Extracurricular Activities
Admission Applications
Letters of Recommendation
Early Decision - Yes or No?
Impact of Private Sector Awards
Merit Aid vs. Need-Based Aid
Admission & Teaser Offers
Funding Procedures
General FAFSA Filing Questions
Student Aid Report (SAR)
Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
Adding a College
FAFSA Tax Update
Student Aid Deadlines
How Colleges Retrieve Data
Award Letters & Appealing
Campus Visits
Housing Deposits
Final College Selection Procedures & Deadlines
Families may call anytime during the student's high school years. Each family is provided with the additional peace of mind in knowing that they are receiving answers from their perspective that are based on over two decades of hands-on experience in assisting 20,000+ families.
When considering your enrollment into a CFS program, please note that preparing and paying for college is a joint venture between the student, the family, and College Funding Solutions, Inc. At CFS, our ultimate goal is for the student to receive the highest quality college education at the most affordable price. From our years of experience in this industry, we know what works best and why. Our suggestions, strategies, and procedures have all proven successful. Please be advised that in providing services, College Funding Solutions, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or disability.